Cloning and Sequence Characterization of L4 Nonstructural 100K Protein Gene of Egg Drop Syndrome Virus
Abstract: The nucleotide sequence and location of the L4 nonstructural 100 K protein gene of the egg drop syndrome virus (EDSV),a strain AA 2 previously isolated from China,were determined.The 100K protein gene located at 55.7-64.8 m.u.has a length of 2091 nt and codes for a polypeptide of 696 amino acids (aa)with a molecular weight of 77.7kD. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of the 100K proteins from human adenoviruses and fowl adenoviruses of group I revealed a homology from 32.3% to 34.4%.Remarkably,EDSV 100K protein shares high homology (56.4% on amino acid level)with that of ovine adenovirus.