Citation: MA Hui-Hui, YANG Chao-Ji, LI Gang, CHEN Xue-Juan, LIAO Jia-Jie, TAO Ji-Lu. M olecular Cloning and Sequencing the NS5 Genomic Region of HGV Guangdong and Hong Kong Strains .VIROLOGICA SINICA, 1999, 14(1) : 36-41.

M olecular Cloning and Sequencing the NS5 Genomic Region of HGV Guangdong and Hong Kong Strains

  • Available online: 05 March 1999
  • HGV NS5 cDNA of two Hong Kong strains and one Guangdong strain were amplified by re verse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).T}le products were inserted into pUC19 vect0rs respectively.~fter transfecting DH5a and JM 109 strains.the reeombinants were screened and identified by PCR and dig ted wlth restriction erldDnudeses.n 1e nudeotldes were sequenced by the Ndmxy chain termination method n 1e homologies d HGV NS5 r~ ion nucleotide and d~umdlTlillO acid sequences were 93 3% 一94% and 97% 一99.2% re印ecnve【v between eachHangKong strainandtheGtm~dong strain an dwere 90% 一91 2% and 94% 一96 3% ,87.1% 一89.5% an d 95.2% 一97% 91 4% 93 8% and 97% 97 9% respectively Compared with the reported China isolate(CN) American iso lates(PNF2161 and R10291),and West African lsolated(GBV-C) T}1e variant sites of the nudeotides appear spor~ ieally T}le nucleotide an d ded umd amino acid seQuences of HGV NS5 genornic region are relatively conserved ,andit also sog gests thatthe nudeotide variation ofHGV may beinfluenced by geo graphical factors

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    M olecular Cloning and Sequencing the NS5 Genomic Region of HGV Guangdong and Hong Kong Strains

    • 1. Department ofinfectiousDiseases,Sun Yat&mdash

    Abstract: HGV NS5 cDNA of two Hong Kong strains and one Guangdong strain were amplified by re verse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).T}le products were inserted into pUC19 vect0rs respectively.~fter transfecting DH5a and JM 109 strains.the reeombinants were screened and identified by PCR and dig ted wlth restriction erldDnudeses.n 1e nudeotldes were sequenced by the Ndmxy chain termination method n 1e homologies d HGV NS5 r~ ion nucleotide and d~umdlTlillO acid sequences were 93 3% 一94% and 97% 一99.2% re印ecnve【v between eachHangKong strainandtheGtm~dong strain an dwere 90% 一91 2% and 94% 一96 3% ,87.1% 一89.5% an d 95.2% 一97% 91 4% 93 8% and 97% 97 9% respectively Compared with the reported China isolate(CN) American iso lates(PNF2161 and R10291),and West African lsolated(GBV-C) T}1e variant sites of the nudeotides appear spor~ ieally T}le nucleotide an d ded umd amino acid seQuences of HGV NS5 genornic region are relatively conserved ,andit also sog gests thatthe nudeotide variation ofHGV may beinfluenced by geo graphical factors



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