Detection of Trv DNA in Various Populations by Polymerase Chain Reaction-microplate Hybridization
Abstract: TTV DNA were detected by polymerase chain reaction-microplate bybridization.The results showed that the positive rate of TTV DNA in 81 normal samples,92 blood donation samples,123 A to G hepatitis,32non-A to G hepatitis samples and 48 proimitive hepatic-carcinoma samples was 3.7%?4.3%?21.1%? 28.1% ?52.0%,respectively.There were significant difference between the normal?the hepatitis group and the primitive hepatic-carcinoma group.Among multiinfection,the infection rate of TTV with HBV was as high as 54.0%.The data showed that TTV infection was very popular in different groups.Some of the normal and blood donation group infected with TTV could become virus carrier.And the hepatits patients were high risk group.In addition,TTV may be transmitted by other means besides blood.TTV infection has close relationship with the increase of ALT and TBIL.