Construction of the Transgenic Plasmid Containing GFP Gene and Four Ribozyme Genes Targeting the Prawn Baclll0virus Gene
Abstract: TheⅡ lsg c plasⅡl|d of haⅡⅡI1e r}Iead ribozymes Rzl and Rz2 targetirg one of the Prat,m bac· ulovims genes has been eoustmctae.The transgenic plasmld eontains double series o0pjes of Rzl and Rz2 as Rzl·Rz2·Rzl·Rz2.The Green Fluorescent Protein(GFP)gene was selected a8 the report gene of the transgenic plasmid.The GFP gene was cloned into plasmld peDNA3 at site 2093bp with Sma I.cont~lled by SV40 pro· illlOter.mb0 Ⅱ】e gene Seile8wclonedintotheMCS ofplasmld peDNA3with proper rest6cfion endonuclease, conmdled byT7 andCMV promoter.The constructedtransgenlc plasmidw∞ named andwill be usedfor obtainingta’ansgenic Prawn.