Figure 2个  Table 3
    • Virus/segment Segment length (bp) Protein encoded Predicted protein length (aa) ORFs (bp, including stop codon) 5′ NCRs 3′ NCRs %GC Content Accession No.
      Seg1 3950 RdRp 1326 12-3926 11 23 41.1 KX455487
      Seg2 2901 OC1 966 13-2865 12 35 39.8 KX455488
      Seg3 2769 T2 916 11-2716 10 52 43.8 KX455489
      Seg4 1978 Cap 654 9-1940 8 37 42.9 KX455490
      Seg5 1775 TuP 546 83-1696 82 78 44.3 KX455491
      Seg6 1656 Hel 505 47-1626 46 29 45.2 KX455492
      Seg7 1165 OC2 355 18-1067 17 97 41.9 KX455493
      Seg8 1142 NS2 365 21-1100 20 31 40.9 KX455494
      Seg9 1102 NS4 352 15-1057 14 44 42.4 KX455495
      Seg10 832 NS3 241 13-726 12 105 44.9 KX455496
      Total 19270 42.4 KX455497
      Seg1 3950 RdRp 1326 12-3926 11 23 40.5 NC_027803.1
      Seg2 2999 OC1 941 14-2791 13 207 40.0 NC_027804.1
      Seg3 2761 T2 914 18-2717 17 43 44.0 NC_027805.1
      Seg4 1979 Cap 654 9-1940 8 38 43.0 NC_027806.1
      Seg5 1775 TuP 563 32-1696 31 78 43.1 NC_027807.1
      Seg6 1636 Hel 535 27-1607 26 28 42.0 NC_027811.1
      Seg7 1165 OC2 355 18-1067 17 97 45.0 NC_027812.1
      Seg8 1151 NS2 368 21-1109 20 41 42.0 NC_027813.1
      Seg9 1100 NS4 352 15-1055 14 44 44.2 NC_027814.1
      Seg10 833 NS3 238 22-726 21 106 41.5 NC_027815.1
      Total 19349 42.7
      Seg1 3950 RdRp 1326 12-3926 11 23 40.8 KF746187.1
      Seg2 2888 OC1 962 14-2854 13 33 40.7 KF746188.1
      Seg3 2769 T2 914 18-2717 17 51 44.2 KF746189.1
      Seg4 1978 CaP 654 9-1940 8 37 42.8 KF746190.1
      Seg5 1775 TuP 563 32-1696 31 78 43.4 KF746191.1
      Seg6 1636 Hel 535 27-1607 26 28 42.1 KF746192.1
      Seg7 1165 OC2 355 18-1067 17 97 45.3 KF746193.1
      Seg8 1142 NS2 365 21-1100 20 41 43.6 KF746194.1
      Seg9 1100 NS4 352 15-1055 14 44 44.6 KF746195.1
      Seg10 832 NS3 238 22-726 21 105 41.3 KF746196.1
      Total 19235 42.5

      Table 1.  Characteristics of dsRNA genome segments and proteins of BAOV, Fengkai orbivirus, and XZ0906

    • Species Abbreviation Strain/serotype Collection Region year Segment accession No.
      African horse sickness virus AHSV HS29-62/serotype 1 1968 South Africa KP009770.1-KP009779.1
      Blue tongue virus BTV SZ97-1/serotype 1 1993 Southern India JN848759-JN848768
      Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus EHDV New Jersey/serotype1 1994 USA KU173875.1-KU173883.1
      Equine encephalosis virus EEV HS103-06 2008 Israel AB811630.1-AB811639.1
      Eubenangee virus EUBV AUS1963/01 2012 United Kingdom JQ070376.1-JQ070385.1
      Great Island virus GIV CanAr-42 2010 United Kingdom ADM88592-ADM88601
      Kemerovo virus KEMV EgAn 1169-61 2012 Russia KC288130.1-KC288139.1
      Tribec virus TRBV TRBV 2010 Germany HQ266581.1-HQ266590.1
      Palyam virus PALV Chuzan 2015 China KT887180.1-KT887189.1
      Peruvian horse sickness virus PHSV PHSV 1997 Peru NC_007748.1-NC_007757.1
      St Croix River virus SCRV SCRV 1999 France AAG34363-AAG34372
      Umatilla virus UMAV USA1969/01 2010 United Kingdom AEE98368-AEE98377
      Yunnan orbivirus YUOV YUOV 2004 France NC_007656.1-NC_007665.1
      Tibet orbivirus TIBOV Fengkai 2008 China KR822286.1-KR822295.1
      XZ0906 2009 China KF746187.1-KF746196.1

      Table S1.  Summary of all virus strains used in this study

    • Region TIBOV (XZ0906) Fengkai orbivirus
      nt aa nt aa
      Cov (%) Iden (%) Cov (%) Iden (%) Cov (%) Iden (%) Cov (%) Iden (%)
      Seg1 100 92 100 99 100 91 100 99
      Seg2 12 70 99 42 95 97 97 98
      Seg3 100 80 99 96 99 80 99 96
      Seg4 100 96 100 99 100 98 100 99
      Seg5 100 96 100 99 99 97 100 99
      Seg6 96 71 98 85 96 98 98 100
      Seg7 100 95 100 99 100 93 100 99
      Seg8 100 89 100 97 100 97 100 98
      Seg9 100 97 100 92 100 97 100 92
      Seg10 100 99 98 99 100 85 98 94

      Table S2.  The organization and the BLAST results for different regions of BAOV genome