miRNAs Targets Functions References miR-BHRF1-2 PRDM1 B cell terminal differentiation Ma et al., 2016 CTSB Antigen processing Albanese et al., 2016 IL-12B T cell differentiation, activation, and recognition MALT1 Immune homeostasis Wang et al., 2017 miR-BHRF1-3 CXCL-11 Immunomodulation Xia et al., 2008 TAP2 Peptide transport Albanese et al., 2016 miR-BART1 IL-12B T cell differentiation, activation, and recognition Albanese et al., 2016 IFI30 Antigen processing miR-BART3 LMP1 Immune evasion and inflammation Lo et al., 2007; Skalsky et al., 2014; Verhoeven et al., 2016 miR-BART5 miR-BART16 miR-BART17-5p miR-BART2-5p LGMN Antigen processing Albanese et al., 2016 CTSB IL-12B T cell differentiation, activation, and recognition MICB Immune recognition Diefenbach et al., 2000; Nachmani et al., 2009;Lisnic et al., 2010 BALF5 Viral replication Barth et al., 2008; Ma J. et al., 2016 miR-BART3-3p IPO7 T cell activation and immune tolerance Dolken et al., 2010 miR-BART5 PUMA Apoptosis Choy et al., 2008 miR-BART8 IFN-γ Immunomodulation Huang and Lin, 2014 miR-BART10-3p IL-12B T cell differentiation, activation, and recognition Albanese et al., 2016 miR-BART11-5p EBF1 B cell differentiation Ross et al., 2013 miR-BART15 NLRP3 Inflammasome production Haneklaus et al., 2012 BRUCE Apoptosis Choi et al., 2013 miR-BART16 CBP Immunomodulation Hooykaas et al., 2017 miR-BART17 TAP2 Peptide transport Albanese et al., 2016 miR-BART20-5p BAD Apoptosis Jung et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2015b IFN-γ Immunomodulation Huang and Lin, 2014 BRLF1 Latent viral infection Kim et al., 2015a BZLF1 miR-BART22 LMP2A Immune evasion Lung et al., 2009 NDRG1 Immune surveillance escape Kanda et al., 2015 IL12 T cell differentiation, activation, and recognition Albanese et al., 2016 Note: See Abbreviations for definitions of acronyms. Table 1. EBV-encoded miRNAs that target viral proteins and cellular immune factors
Viral proteins Host miRNAs References EBNA1 let-7a↑ Onnis et al., 2012 EBNA1 miR-127↑ Mansouri et al., 2014 EBNA2 miR-21↑ Rosato et al., 2012 EBNA3A/EBNA3C miR-221/miR-222↑ Bazot et al., 2015 LMP1 miR-203↓ Yu et al., 2012 LMP1 miR-204↓ Ma et al., 2014 LMP1 miR-15a↓ Komabayashi et al., 2014 LMP1 miR-1↓ Chen et al., 2015 LMP1 miR-183-96-182↓ Oussaief et al., 2015 LMP1 miR-146a↑ Zhao et al., 2012 LMP1 miR-10b↑ Li et al., 2010a LMP1 miR-21↑ Yang et al., 2013 LMP1 miR-155↑ Yang et al., 2015 LMP1 miR-29b↑ Anastasiadou et al., 2010 LMP1 miR-34a↑ Forte et al., 2012 LMP2A miR-155↑ Du et al., 2011 Note: ↑ indicates upregulation; ↓ indicates downregulation. See Abbreviations for definitions of acronyms. Table 2. Host miRNAs dysregulated by EBV latent proteins
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