Figure 2个  Table 1
    • Total(n=2235) Novel lineage(n=48) P-value
      Male 2101 38(79.17%) < 0.001
      Female 132 9(18.75%)
      Unknown 2 1(2.08%)
      Birth period
      < 1960 167 1(2.08%) < 0.001
      1960s 323 20(41.67%)
      1970s 333 21(43.75%)
      ≥1980 1410 5(10.42%)
      Unknown 2 1(2.08%)
      Risk groupa
      MSM 1839 11(22.92%) < 0.001
      HTS 320 2(4.17%)
      IDUs 41 34(70.83%)
      Unknown/other 35 1(2.08%)
      Dadong 298 16(33.33%) < 0.001
      Shenhe 187 14(29.17%)
      Heping 285 4(8.33%)
      Tiexi 295 4(8.33%)
      Huanggu 320 4(8.33%)
      Yuhong 231 2(4.17%)
      Hunnan 188 1(2.08%)
      Unknown/other 431 3(6.25%)
      Officer 204 1(2.08%) < 0.001
      Unemployed 1395 43(89.58%)
      Famer 57 1(2.08%)
      Unknown/other 579 3(6.25%)
      Primary school 100 1(2.08%) < 0.001
      Junior high school 572 26(54.17%)
      Senior high school 475 17(35.42%)
      College 1056 3(6.25%)
      Unknown/other 32 1(2.08%)
      Marital status
      Single 1360 14(29.17%) < 0.001
      Married 465 11(22.92%)
      Divorced/widowed 404 22(45.83%)
      Unknown/other 6 1(2.08%)
      a: MSM, men who have sex with men; HTS, heterosexuals; IDUs, injecting drug users.

      Table 1.  The demographic characteristics of CRF01_AE-infected individuals among all newly diagnosed cases during 2016–2019