Figure 9个  Table 1
    • Parametera RotaTeq P[8] VP8*-Core 2 RotaTeq P[8] VP8*-LNFP1
      Data collection
      Space group P21 P6322
      Cell dimensions
      a, b, c (Å) 66.289 80.454
      114.55 80.454
      73.789 116.593
      α, β, γ (°) 90, 95.959, 90 90, 90, 120
      Wavelength (Å) 0.97774 0.97852
      Resolution (Å) 50.00-1.80 50.00-2.30
      (1.86-1.8) (2.38-2.30)
      Rmerge (%)b 8.4 (80.4) 15.9 (86.0)
      II 21.597 (1.500) 22.524 (4.889)
      Completeness (%) 98.4 (90.3) 99.57 (96.58)
      Redundancy 5.4 (5.4) 25.8 (27.0)
      Resolution (Å) 43.24-1.80 44.71-2.30
      No. reflections 86599 10481
      Rwork/Rfree 0.2024/0.2288 0.2035/0.2331
      No. atoms
       Protein 7860 1336
       Ligand/ion 80 52
       Water 781 80
       Protein 23.5 31.1
       Ligand 59.8 74.7
       Water 34.4 39.6
      R.m.s. deviations
       Bond lengths (Å) 0.005 0.003
       Bond angles (°) 0.69 0.54
      Ramachandran plot
       Favored (%) 97.47 98.14
       Allowed (%) 2.53 1.86
       Disallowed (%) 0.00 0.00
      aValues in parentheses are given for the highest resolution shell.
      b Rmerge = $\Sigma \mathrm{hkl}|\mathrm{I}- <\mathrm{I}>| / \Sigma \mathrm{hklI} $, where I is the intensity of unique reflection hkl and $ <\mathrm{I}>$ is the average over symmetry-related observations of unique reflection hkl, hkl is the reflection indices.

      Table 1.  Crystallographic X-ray diffraction and refinement statistics.