Figure 1个  Table 2
    • PDB 5Y6Z
      Data collectiona
      Space group P31
      Cell dimensions
      a, b, c(Å) 93.7, 93.7, 167.6
      α, β, γ(°) 90, 90, 120
      Resolution (Å)b 46.0–2.50 (2.59–2.50)
      Rmerge 0.132 (0.372)
      II 4.7 (2.1)
      Completeness (%) 99.5 (99.9)
      Redundancy 2.9 (3.0)
      Structure refinement
      Resolution (Å) 46.0–2.50
      No. unique reflections 56, 671
      Rwork/Rfreec(%) 21.8/25.9
      No. atoms
      Protein/RNA 7247/1204
      Ligand/Ion/Water 36/21/377
      B-factors (Å2)
      Protein 44.5/55.9
      Ligand/Ion/Water 48.6/56.2/44.5
      R.m.s. deviations
      Bond lengths (Å) 0.008
      Bond angles (°) 0.985
      Ramachandran stat.d 93.6/6.0/0.2/0.2
      Note: a One crystal was used for data collection. b Values in parentheses are for the highest-resolution shell. c 5% of data are taken for the Rfree set. d Values are in percentage and are for most favored, additionally allowed, generously allowed, and disallowed regions in Ramachandran plots, respectively.

      Table 1.  X-ray diffraction data collection and structure refinement statistics

    • PDB Description Reference
      5Y6Z CV A16 RdRP EC, panels A-F This work
      5F8G EV71 RdRP state 1 complex, panel B (top) Shu and Gong, 2016
      5F8J EV71 RdRP state 4 complex, panel B (top) Shu and Gong, 2016
      4K4X CV B3 RdRP state 1 complex, panel B (bottom) and panel C Gong et al., 2013
      3N6L Apo EV71 RdRP (panel D) Wu et al., 2010
      3DDK Apo CV B3 RdRP (panel D) Campagnola et al., 2008
      1RA6 Apo PV RdRP (panel D) Thompson and Peersen, 2004
      1XR7 Apo RV RdRP (panel D) Love et al., 2004
      1U09 Apo FMDV RdRP (panel E) Ferrer-Orta et al., 2004
      1C2P Apo HCV RdRP (panel E) Lesburg et al., 1999
      3QID Apo NV RdRP (panel E) Lee et al., 2011
      1KHV RHDV RdRP with a Lu3+ bound (panel F) Ng et al., 2002
      1KHW RHDV RdRP with two Mn2+ bound (panel F) Ng et al., 2002
      4NYZ EMCV RdRP with a glutamine bound (panel F) Vives-Adrian et al., 2014
      Note: Abbreviations: CV-coxsackievirus; EV-Enterovirus; PV-poliovirus; RV-rhinovirus; FMDV-Foot-and-mouth disease virus; HCV-Hepatitis C virus; NV-Norovirus; RHDV-Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus; EMCV-encephalomyocarditis virus. All virus names assigned as species by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) are shown in italic and with the first letter capitalized.

      Table S1.  PDB entries and related references in Figure 1.