Amplification of Dendrolimus puctatus whenshanesis Cytovirus (DpCPV-W)in vitro in Sf21 Cell
Abstract: We have studied amphificatlon of DpCPV W in vitro in Sf21 cell ln this paper.The results showed that DpCPV W could amplify is vitro in Sf2I ce t[and form normal potyhedra Acce~ional TeV eombinant enhancln in medium coutd synergist the infective rate of DpCPV—W in Sf21 cel1 in vitro. Bioassay indicated that the toxici’ty of DpCPV—W polyhedra amplified in Sf2 I cell was as violence a5 the polyhedra amplified in pine caterpillar By using the plaque purfieation technique in Sf21 cell,DpCPV— W could be purified n a single virion clone Ievd