Sequencing and Expression of PP71 Gene of Human Cytomegalor Virus
Abstract: Abstract:PP7I gene Of the Hut~tan cytomegalor virur(HCMV AD一169)strain W,qS amplified by PCR. After digestion by Barn H I and Hin dⅢ.the fragment was cloned into the high level expre~ion vec— tot pET28a Recombinant plasmid pET28a—PP71 was transfonned into E.coli BI 2l(DE3)and ln— duced by IPTG,high 1evel protein V,’as produced,and the target protein WaS 40% of all proteins.Purifl— eatlo~ recovery rate was high and up to 92 4% of the target protein before purification.which provides scientific basis on research of HCM V pathogenesis and diagnosis.