HCV Core Protein Induces Apoptosis in Cos-7 Cell Line
Abstract: Abstract:Recombinant plasmid pCDNA3一Core was constructed by inserting Hepatitis C virus(HCV一1 1 core gene into the site between EcoR I and Xba I of eukaryotic expression vector pCDNA3.The recombinan t plasmid pCDNA3一Core was tran sfected to COS一7 cellline by LipoVec .Expression of core protein was detected by immunology Dot blot 24h after transfection.Th e nuclear cracks in tran sfected cell was observed by Hoechst 3325 8 staining and the 1 80—200bp DNA ladders alSO was detected 72h after transfection.Th ese results reveal that HCV Core protein Can induce apoptosis of COS一7 cell and its function nlay play an importan t role in HCV chronic and persistan t infection.