Studies on Afected Factors of High Output of Dendrolimus punctatus cypovirus Insecticide
Abstract: Abstract:Not only the output of insecticide DpCPV is always afected by climate and circumstan ces , but also af ected by the technology of production highly.Studies have been done on DpCPVHn indoors and outdoors for the Dendrolimus punctatus quanlity of every collection an d the inoculation concentration an d the inoculation frequency an d the harvest time. The optimal conditions of multiplication have been gained.Th e optimal inoculation concentration is 1× 1 07CPB/mL .Th e optimal Dendrolimus punctatus larvae for multiplication are 4 or 5 instar larvae.Th e optimal CPV ingathering time iS 13th or 14th day after inoculation.Th e OUtdoor yield of each larva can be 7.5× 10 CPB .It iS higher than other reports in China.It is very important to guide high output of DpCPV multiplication.