Expression of Non—structural Protein S6 of Rice dwarf virus in E coil and Preparation of Its Antiserum
Abstract: Abstract: gene of a Chinese isolate of Rice dwarf virus fRDV)was amplified by RT.PCR and then cloned into pGEM—Teasy.Sequence analysis showed that its nucleotide sequence had high identity to a Japan ese isolate of RDV an d contmned high percent of rare codons. l6 gene was expressed m inclusion body with high yield in E.coli after being subcloned into expression vector pGEX一6P—1.Immune rabbit witll S6 protein obtained the antiserum.The an tiserum having a titer of l:3000 tested by ELISA Can specifically react wim the expressed S6 protein.Our study confn-med that the an tiserum could be used to detect S6 protein in RDV-infected rice tissues.