Dear Editor,
I read the recent report on HIV with a great interest[2]. Geng et al concluded that "Indinavir-resistance evolution was observed by single-genome amplification [2] " and "During the course of changing the regimen to incorporate Indinavir, the G73S mutation occurred and was combined with M46I/ L90M[2]." I have some points for discussion on this work. First, focusing on the single-genome amplification, although it is acceptable the false positive can still be detected[3]. It is interesting to compare the result from this Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database-based study to modified phenotypic drug susceptibility assay-based study, which was reported to provide discordant result [1]. Second, it is interesting which biological process lead to the change of the resistant pattern on the passed time. The situation of cross resistance should also be investigated since it was reported to be common[4].
Indinavir Resistance Evolution: a Comment
- Received Date: 28 October 2010
- Accepted Date: 16 November 2010