RNA Interference Against Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus
Abstract: The short interfering RNAs(siRNA) specific for conserved regions of avian Infectious bronchihitis virus(IBV) genome were designed using the software online. The siRNA had the potency of inhibiting IBV production in both cell lines and embryonic chicken eggs. 12 siRNAs from polymerase gene (pol), M and N gene were used for the experiments. N1221 from N gene and Pol50 from pol gene were shown to have an obvious RNAi effect on IBV production in Vero cells and 9 day-old SPF chicken embryos. The RNAi effect depending on the presence of a functional antisense strand of the siRNA duplex showed the positive relation with transfection dosage. It suggested that viral RNA or mRNA was the target of RNAi. This report firstly revealed RNAi phenomenon of IBV replication procedure in Vero cells and 9 day-old SPF chicken embryos.