Construction of Recombinant Vaccinia Virus for Expressing gagpol Gene of Chinese Epidemic HIV-I Strain(CN54,clade B’/C)
Abstract: Abstract:To develop live—vectored vaccine of Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-I)without selectable marker,we first constructed a tran sfer plasmid pVI75 with selectable m arkers of neo an d/acZ gene,an d a recombinant plasmid pVI75一Gagpol containing the gagpol gene of Chinese predominan t prevalent HIV-I strain CN54,pE/L upstream as the promoter.CEF was tran sfected by the recombinan t plasmid pVI75一Gagpol,one hour after being infected with Tiantan vaccinia virus.A recombinan t vaccinia virus rVV-Gagpol without selectable marker was constructed through two homologous recombinations as following:first,through three cycles of plaque purification under G4 1 8 pressure,the blue recombinan t virus including both ga~ ol gene and the selectable marker gene was acquired;then through three cycles of plaque purification without G4 1 8 pressure,the white recombinan t virus with ga~ ol gene but without the selectable marker gene was acquired.Thus,a recombinan t vaccinia virus was acquired.PCR an d Dot blot assay showed that the recombinant rVV-Gagpol lost the neo gene and lacZ gene.Gagpol gene could be detected by PCR.Antibody staining an d Western blot results indicated this recombinant vaccinia virus could successfully express HIV Gagpol protein.