Citation: Wenqi Zou, Qingchuan Yu, Yan Liu, Qingliang Li, Hong Chen, Jiamei Gao, Chen Shi, Ying Wang, Wei Chen, Xuan Bai, Biao Yang, Jiuwei Zhang, Ben Dong, Bo Ruan, Liuyifan Zhou, Gelin Xu, Zhongyu Hu, Xiaoming Yang. Genotype analysis of rotaviruses isolated from children during a phase III clinical trial with the hexavalent rotavirus vaccine in China .VIROLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 38(6) : 889-899.

Genotype analysis of rotaviruses isolated from children during a phase III clinical trial with the hexavalent rotavirus vaccine in China

  • The oral hexavalent live human-bovine reassortant rotavirus vaccine (RV6) developed by Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd (WIBP) has finished a randomized, placebo-controlled phase III clinical trial in four provinces of China in 2021. The trail demonstrated that RV6 has a high vaccine efficacy against the prevalent strains and is safe for use in infants. During the phase III clinical trial (2019–2021), 200 rotavirus-positive fecal samples from children with RV gastroenteritis (RVGE) were further studied. Using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and high-throughput sequencing, VP7 and VP4 sequences were obtained and their genetic characteristics, as well as the differences in antigenic epitopes of VP7, were analyzed in detail. Seven rotavirus genotypes were identified. The predominant rotavirus genotype was G9P [8] (77.0%), followed by prevalent strains G8P [8] (8.0%), G3P [8] (3.5%), G3P [9] (1.5%), G1P [8] (1.0%), G2P [4] (1.0%), and G4P [6] (1.0%). The amino acid sequence identities of G1, G2, G3, G4, G8, and G9 genotypes of isolates compared to the vaccine strains were 98.8%, 98.2%–99.7%, 88.4%–99.4%, 98.2%, 94.2%–100%, and 93.9%–100%, respectively. Notably, the vaccine strains exhibited high similarity in amino acid sequence, with only minor differences in antigenic epitopes compared to the Chinese endemic strains. This supports the potential application of the vaccine in preventing diseases caused by rotaviruses.

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    Genotype analysis of rotaviruses isolated from children during a phase III clinical trial with the hexavalent rotavirus vaccine in China

      Corresponding author: Zhongyu Hu,
      Corresponding author: Xiaoming Yang,
    • a. National Engineering Technology Research Center for Combined Vaccines, Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd, Wuhan, 430207, China;
    • b. National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, Beijing, 100050, China;
    • c. China National Biotec Group, Beijing, 100024, China

    Abstract: The oral hexavalent live human-bovine reassortant rotavirus vaccine (RV6) developed by Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd (WIBP) has finished a randomized, placebo-controlled phase III clinical trial in four provinces of China in 2021. The trail demonstrated that RV6 has a high vaccine efficacy against the prevalent strains and is safe for use in infants. During the phase III clinical trial (2019–2021), 200 rotavirus-positive fecal samples from children with RV gastroenteritis (RVGE) were further studied. Using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and high-throughput sequencing, VP7 and VP4 sequences were obtained and their genetic characteristics, as well as the differences in antigenic epitopes of VP7, were analyzed in detail. Seven rotavirus genotypes were identified. The predominant rotavirus genotype was G9P [8] (77.0%), followed by prevalent strains G8P [8] (8.0%), G3P [8] (3.5%), G3P [9] (1.5%), G1P [8] (1.0%), G2P [4] (1.0%), and G4P [6] (1.0%). The amino acid sequence identities of G1, G2, G3, G4, G8, and G9 genotypes of isolates compared to the vaccine strains were 98.8%, 98.2%–99.7%, 88.4%–99.4%, 98.2%, 94.2%–100%, and 93.9%–100%, respectively. Notably, the vaccine strains exhibited high similarity in amino acid sequence, with only minor differences in antigenic epitopes compared to the Chinese endemic strains. This supports the potential application of the vaccine in preventing diseases caused by rotaviruses.

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