Citation: Qiang Zhang, Hanzhe Ye, Cong Liu, Haiwu Zhou, Mingbin He, Xiaodong Liang, Yu Zhou, Kun Wang, Yali Qin, Zhifei Li, Mingzhou Chen. PABP-driven secondary condensed phase within RSV inclusion bodies activates viral mRNAs for ribosomal recruitment .VIROLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 39(2) : 235-250.

PABP-driven secondary condensed phase within RSV inclusion bodies activates viral mRNAs for ribosomal recruitment

  • Inclusion bodies (IBs) of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are formed by liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) and contain internal structures termed “IB-associated granules” (IBAGs), where anti-termination factor M2-1 and viral mRNAs are concentrated. However, the mechanism of IBAG formation and the physiological function of IBAGs are unclear. Here, we found that the internal structures of RSV IBs are actual M2-1-free viral messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) condensates formed by secondary LLPS. Mechanistically, the RSV nucleoprotein (N) and M2-1 interact with and recruit PABP to IBs, promoting PABP to bind viral mRNAs transcribed in IBs by RNA-recognition motif and drive secondary phase separation. Furthermore, PABP-eIF4G1 interaction regulates viral mRNP condensate composition, thereby recruiting specific translation initiation factors (eIF4G1, eIF4E, eIF4A, eIF4B and eIF4H) into the secondary condensed phase to activate viral mRNAs for ribosomal recruitment. Our study proposes a novel LLPS-regulated translation mechanism during viral infection and a novel antiviral strategy via targeting on secondary condensed phase.

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  • 10.1016j.virs.2023.12.001-ESM.docx
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    PABP-driven secondary condensed phase within RSV inclusion bodies activates viral mRNAs for ribosomal recruitment

      Corresponding author: Yali Qin,
      Corresponding author: Zhifei Li,
      Corresponding author: Mingzhou Chen,
    • a. State Key Laboratory of Virology and Modern Virology Research Center, College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, China;
    • b. Taikang Center for Life and Medical Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, China;
    • c. Hubei Jiangxia Laboratory, Wuhan, 430200, China

    Abstract: Inclusion bodies (IBs) of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are formed by liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) and contain internal structures termed “IB-associated granules” (IBAGs), where anti-termination factor M2-1 and viral mRNAs are concentrated. However, the mechanism of IBAG formation and the physiological function of IBAGs are unclear. Here, we found that the internal structures of RSV IBs are actual M2-1-free viral messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) condensates formed by secondary LLPS. Mechanistically, the RSV nucleoprotein (N) and M2-1 interact with and recruit PABP to IBs, promoting PABP to bind viral mRNAs transcribed in IBs by RNA-recognition motif and drive secondary phase separation. Furthermore, PABP-eIF4G1 interaction regulates viral mRNP condensate composition, thereby recruiting specific translation initiation factors (eIF4G1, eIF4E, eIF4A, eIF4B and eIF4H) into the secondary condensed phase to activate viral mRNAs for ribosomal recruitment. Our study proposes a novel LLPS-regulated translation mechanism during viral infection and a novel antiviral strategy via targeting on secondary condensed phase.

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