White spot syndrome disease is caused by the White spot syndrome virus (WSSV). It was first reported in Taiwan in 1993 and rapidly emerged as a major viral disease of shrimp worldwide (6). The virus can infect many other marine and freshwater crustaceans,including crayfish and crabs (13, 18). WSSV is now one of the most serious viral diseases known to the shrimp farming industry,causing heavy economic losses.
WSSV is a large enveloped double-stranded DNA virus and ovoid-to-bacilliform in shape. It is about 275 nm in length and 120 nm in width with a tail-like appendage at one end (32). The complete genome sequence of WSSV (290-305 kb) contains approximately 180 putative open reading frames (ORFs) (26, 33). At least 39 structural proteins are currently known. VP26,VP36A,VP39A,and VP95 were all identified as tegument proteins,VP19,VP28,VP31,VP36B,VP38A,VP51B,VP53A were identified as envelope proteins,and VP664,VP51C,VP60B,VP15 were classified as nucleocapsid proteins (24).
Thus far,several laboratory methods have been established to detect WSSV. These include transmis-sion electron microscope (TEM),histological exa-mination of hematoxylin and eosin [H & E]-stained tissues from moribund shrimp by light microscopy (28) ,polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (10, 14, 19) ,in situ hybridization using DNA probe (9) ,and immunological methods (7, 17, 29). Each of these methods has particular advantages and disadvantages in terms of sensitivity,specificity,cost and convenience. Immunochromatographic assays were first described in the late 1960s. It is a rapid,efficient,sensitive method. Over the past decade many immunochromatographic assays have been reported for the detection of infectious diseases (1, 4, 8, 31) ,cancer (11) ,cardiovascular problems (20, 22) ,and illicit drugs (2). Other promi-sing areas for the use of such assays are drug monitoring (30) ,food safety (5) ,and veterinary medicine (15).
Immunochromatographic assays have several diffe-rent formats. In this study,we developed a membrane-based lateral-flow immunoassay (LFIA) to detect WSSV. Our device adopted a "sandwich" format,in which the unconjugated anti-VP (28+19) antibodies were used as a capture antibody and the colloidal gold-labeled antibody was used for detection. This method can detect WSSV rapidly,expediently and efficiently and may be used directly on shrimp farms as a "pond-side test" once a more user-friendly version is developed.
Analysis by SDS-PAGE indicated a 41 kDa protein band in the pET-22b (+)-VP (19+28)/Origami (DE3) pLysS (Fig. 2,lanes 2),but not in the non-induced samples (Fig. 2. lanes 1,3) or in the induced pET-22b (+)/Origami (DE3) pLysS (Fig. 2. lanes 4,5). After sonication and centrifugation,both supernatant and the insoluble fraction were analyzed by SDS-PAGE (Fig. 2. lane 6,7). The 41 kDa protein band was observed only in the supernatant.
Figure 2. SDS-PAGE analysis of expressed fusion protein. The concentration of separating gel was 10% and visualized by coomassie brilliant blue R250 staining. Lanes: 1,pET-VP (19+28) before induction; 2,pET-VP (19+28) induced; 3,pET-VP (19+28) non-induced; 4,pET-22b(+) non-induction; 5,pET-22b(+) induced; M,molecular weight standard; 6,supernatant after sonication; 7,insoluble fraction after sonication. Arrow indicates the location of recombinant VP (19+28).
The VP (19+28) fusion protein from the soluble fraction was purified on a Ni-NTA Superflow column and analyzed by SDS-PAGE (Fig. 3. lanes 1~4). The eluted fractions revealed a single band with an apparent mo-lecular weight of 41 kDa,which has the same mobility as the induced recombinant protein from the crude culture.
Figure 3. SDS-PAGE analysis of purified recombinant protein. The concentration of separating gel was 10% and visualized by silver staining. Lanes 1-4,factions of purified protein eluted from the Ni-NTA column; M,molecular weight standards.
The anti-VP (19+29) IgG were isolated and purified from VP (19+28) antiserum using a Protein-A column. When the purified IgG was analyzed,both the heavy and light chains were visible and no other contamina-ting proteins appeared to be present,indicating that the affinity purification had worked efficiently (Fig. 4).
For specificity testing,four negative control samples and three positive control samples were applied to the strips and the results are presented in Fig. 5A. For samples containing distilled water,PB,Origami (DE3) pLysS culture,and healthy shrimp samples,only the control lines showed a response up (Fig. 5. 1~4). On the other hand,when VP (19+28) recombinant protein,WSSV viral antigen and infected shrimp samples were applied,both the control and test lines could be observed (Fig. 5. 5~7).
Figure 5. Specificity tests of assay strips. 1,Distilled water; 2,PB; 3,Origami (DE3) pLysS culture; 4,Healthy shrimps; 5,VP (19+28) recombinant protein; 6,WSSV; 7,Infected shrimps.
Similar results were obtained when strips stored at 4℃ or RT were used,indicating the pre-fabricated strips were stable at both temperatures tested (data not shown). For sensitivity testing,the purified recombinant protein VP (19+28) serial dilutions from 10 mg/mL to 5 ng/mL were applied to the strips,and the lowest detectable concentration was at 10 ng/mL (Fig. 6).
Figure 6. Sensitivity tests of assay strips. VP (19+28) recombinant protein concentration: 1,10μg/mL; 2,1μg/mL; 3,100ng/mL; 4,20ng/mL; 5,10ng/mL; 6,5ng/mL.
For comparison of the detection sensitivity and specificity between LFIA and PCR,all samples were tested in both assays at the same time. Results are summari-zed in Table 1 and Fig. 7 (A for LFIA and B for PCR).
Table 1. Comparison of LFIA and PCR (number of positive/total number tested)
Figure 7. LFIA (A) and PCR (B) anlaysis of different tissues from the moribund,dead and healthy shrimps. Samples 1,body juices of healthy shrimps; 2 gills of healthy shrimps; 3,hepatopancreas of healthy shrimps; 4,body juices of moribund shrimps; 5 gills of moribund shrimps; 6,hepatopancreas of moribund shrimps; 7,body juices of dead shrimps; 8 gills of dead shrimps; 9,hepatopancreas of dead shrimps.