Sequence Comparison and Analysis of L Gene from A Foot—and·month Disease Virus Strain China/99
Abstract: Foot and mouth disease virus strain China/99 RNA5 were used as templet for RT—PCR.The amplifled eDNA products were cloned into pGEM—T Easy Vectors and transformed into JM109.The re— combinant plasroids were identified by electrophoresis.E∞R l cleavage,and PCR The nucleotide and amino acid sequences were compared with the I,genes of the other four reference strains.The resuIts shown that the differential ratio of L gene of China/99 with A10.OIK,OlCaropos and TW45 strains was l5 27% ,15.56% .15 56% and 15 49% respectively;and that of amio acid se0uences was 8.29%.8.76%。9 22% and 10 14% respectively.All the conjunctions of L/el for five fot—and— mouth viruses are Gly/lie.The higher conversions in T.C.A-G and A-c mostly affect the stabgle of amino acid residuses. The regions of 43.53th. 95.105th, 108—11lth, 146—153th 。161—173th. 183— 188th and 182·187[h in I protease roost probably are the active sites that play an important role 1n keeping configuration andfunction of proteins,andH 8.C5l,E65,H95.H109,Hl38,Hl48 andEI65may be active amino acids