The building and development of the HIV/AIDS testing laboratories
In 1985, the first HIV/AIDS testing laboratory in China was built by the Institute for Viral Disease Control (IVDC), Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. In 1986, four HIV/AIDS testing labo ratories were built by the Shanghai Municipal CDC, Yunnan Provincial CDC, Beijing Municipality and the Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS) of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, respectively. In 1989, these four laboratories were approved as the HIV/AIDS confirmatory laboratories. Afterwards, new HIV/AIDS confirmatory laboratories were built and approved in every province one after another.
In July of 1998, the MOH established the Center for HIV/AIDS Control and Prevention in the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine with the approval of the State Council. NARL was one of the departments of the Center for HIV/AIDS Control and Prevention, whose staff mainly came from the previous laboratory of tumor and HIV/AIDS research of the IVDC. NARL took responsibility for: performing HIV/AIDS detection, training, conducting the technological guidance to some provincial and prefectural laboratories, putting the quality examination and assessment, inspection and supervision, and laboratory quality control into practice for all provincial and prefectural laboratories, and organizing experts community to assess the HIV/AIDS confirmatory laboratories in every pro-vincial center for HIV/AIDS detection, holding all national HIV/AIDS detection conferences, and establishing and revising the "National Guideline for Detection and Management of HIV/AIDS (1997)" (5), which provided the first regulation for HIV/AIDS detection. The MOH expert community of exami-nation and assessment on the HIV/AIDS confirmatory laboratories was set up in 1997, which improved the examination and approval system for the HIV/AIDS confirmatory laboratories.
By 2000, except for the Tibet the HIV/AIDS confirmatory laboratories in 30 provincial CDCs were built and approved. HIV/AIDS screening laboratories covered CDC, blood centers, entry-exit inspection and quarantine departments, hospital, center for women and children's health, army and police etc.
In November 2001, the Chinese Academy of Pre-ventive Medicine was renamed as the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC), and the previous Center for HIV/AIDS Control and Prevention of the MOH was replaced by the National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention (NCAIDS). The former NARL was divided into a reference laboratory and a virology & immunology research laboratory. The new NARL is responsible for the building and developing of the HIV/AIDS testing laboratory network and the quality assurance and quality control system in the whole country.
In May 2003, China CDC published and distributed the "National Guideline for Detection of HIV/AIDS (draft)" with the approval of the MOH (2). The formal edition (2004) was distributed in August 2004 (1). With the HIV/AIDS testing laboratory network being expanded year by year in the whole country, by the end of 2006, over 100 HIV/AIDS confirmatory laboratories and 6066 screening laboratories had been checked and approved. By the end of 2007, it is estimated that the number of HIV/AIDS confirmatory and screening laboratories will exceed 180 and 6500, respectively.
In 2006, to strengthen supervision and management of HIV/AIDS detection in the whole country, to standardize the laboratory setting, checking and ap-proving, and to ensure the quality of HIV/AIDS detection, the MOH distributed the "National Mana-gement of HIV/AIDS Detection (June 2006)"(7) according to the "Law of Communicable Disease for Treatment and Prevention of the People's Republic of China" (11), the "Regulation of AIDS for Treatment and Prevention"(13) and the related national laws and rules, which ensure the management of HIV/AIDS testing laboratory standardization.
Construction of the HIV/AIDS testing technology platform
The detection of anti-HIV antibody is the basic technology of the HIV/AIDS testing laboratory with more experience. In recent years, on the basis of carrying out the detection of anti-HIV antibody, more and more laboratories gradually established and deve-loped the detection technology platform of im-munology and virology in order to meet the demand of clinical treatment, the detection and monitoring of drug resistance, the early diagnosis of infant HIV infections, the detection of HIV recent infection, etc.
The accurate and reliable detection of CD4+ T lymphocyte cells is an important marker to determine the immunologic condition of people infected with HIV, predict the progress of disease, determine the effect of antiviral drug treatment and estimate prognosis (4). The progressive deterioration of CD4+ T cells correlates with serious clinical symptoms, which signifies a bad prognosis. So, the World Health Organization (WHO) and European/American coun-tries recommend monitoring the level of CD4+ T cells of HIV infections once every three to six months. The number of CD4+ T cells is the key factor to preventing mesenchymal plasma cell pneumonia and other opportunistic infections, and starting antiretroviral treatment (10). According to the definition of monitoring classification system of HIV infections among adult and adolescent AIDS patients reported by U.S. CDC, the level of CD4+ T cells is also the standard to judge HIV related clinical course (15). In China, the "Guideline of AIDS Diagnosis and Treatment" shows that the clinical significance of the detection for CD4+ T cells is to understand the organic immune situation and disease course, to determine the staging of disease and treatment time, and to appraise the treatment effect and the clinical complications of HIV infections. Based on the patient state of illness, the clinician needs to decide the interval of detection for CD4+ T cells. The general suggestion is that HIV infected people without symptoms (CD4 counts > 350 /mm3) should perform CD4 counts once a year. If CD4 counts are 200 ~ 350/mm3, for the patient without ART, whose CD4 count should be performed once every half a year; For those on ART, once every three months in the first year of treatment and once every half a year for those who have been treated over one year and their condition is stable (3). At present, except for Tibet and Hainan province, the technology platforms of CD4+ cell counts are established in our country. The number of the CD4 count instruments already exceeds 200, which are used directly for the treatment and monitoring of AIDS.
Because of HIV/AIDS spreading quickly in China and in the world, the great attention of leaders and the demand of policy, and the continual development of molecular diagnostic technique, the detection of HIV viral load also developed greatly in China. Having the responsibility of providing technical guidance for the entire laboratory, NARL identifies and introduces various new technologies. The viral load instruments were equipped respectively in 1998, 2003, 2004 and 2005, such as NASBA、RT-PCR、EasyQ and bDNA, etc. At the same time the viral load test method was being established and extended, NARL passed the international PT on viral load testing, which enlarged the test facility and helped diagnose and confirm the questionable HIV samples for the whole country. The methods raised the accuracy of confirming questi-onable samples, and provided technological support for the problems identified in nucleic acid detection technology performed in some provinces. At present, viral load machines have been installed in most pro-vinces in the country. The detection of viral load has been developed in 20 provinces, with 90 viral load detection instruments.
In recent years, besides doing regular diagnosis and monitoring of HIV/AIDS, NARL researched and evaluated new and recent HIV infection detection methods. The new methods will play an important role in the future surveillance for new HIV infections (14). Furthermore, dried blood spot (DBS) technology was developed, which provides a useful technological platform for early diagnosis of infant HIV infection in our country, and also makes it possible that DBS technology can be used widely in the field for the detection of HIV gene subtype and drug resistance(16). Pooled RT-PCR has been established and can be used to find acute infections. This approach provides a new method for reducing secondary transmission as much as possible (9).
Construction of the Laboratory Information Management System
The management of laboratory information is a key factor in running an efficient laboratory. Building a modernized laboratory needs to use modernized methods. As technology develops quickly worldwide, the internet can be used to improve laboratory mana-gement practices. Laboratory Information Mana-gement System (LIMS) uses scientific management and advanced technology of computer databases to provide complete laboratory management. Constru-ction of LIMS includes sample management, resource management, affairs management, network management, data management (collection, transmission, handling, output, submission) and report management. All of these comprise a complete system of lab synthetic management and quality monitoring, which meet regular management requirements in the system, and also guarantee strict management and control of lab analysis data. LIMS is a big feature of the laboratory management in developed countries, where over 80% of laboratories use LIMS. But in China, the LIMS usage rate in laboratories is less than 10%.
The HIV/AIDS testing laboratory has the following features: a lot of screening test work, many documents and network management, etc. The management of samples, disposable materials, test data, documents and the laboratory PT operation utilizes a significant amount of time and manpower. We therefore advocate incorporating LIMS into the HIV/AIDS testing laboratory. China CDC has customized the LIMS to suit the Chinese system of disease prevention and control. Since 2003, laboratories of the NCAIDS have been using this computer management system for specimen collection, reception, storage and sampling, and results reporting. At present, NARL has also established this electronic system to manage labo-ratory samples and PT. Therefore, the day when LIMS can be fully utilized can be seen in the near future.