1990 Vol.05(4)



Studies on Semimicro Quick Monolayer Plaque Assay of Viruses

MENG Ji-Hong, ZHU Sheng-He, SUN Yong-Liang

1990, 5(4): 341

A semimicro quick monolayer plaque assay of viruses (SQMPAV) without preparing the monolayer in advance was developed. In this assay, the cells and viruses were simultaneously inoculated into the wells of multi-well tissue culture plates. So the attachment of cells and the adsorption of viruses occurred at the same time. Then, the plaques were produced as the monolayers were formed under the nutrient gel overlay. With the model of polioviruses, a series of studies on SQMPAV, including the experimental condi...

Inhibitory Effect of CSF-1 on Human Common Respiratory Tract Viruses in Vitro

YAO Kun, ZHOU Yao-Xi, WU Xiao-Ling, ZHOU Feng, ZHU De-Xu, TAO Xu

1990, 5(4): 347

This paper reports the protective effect of human CSF-1 on human fibroblast cultures infected by viruses in vitro, that is, before virus challenge, the treatment of cell cultures with CSF-1 may result in the inhibition of virus replication and virus-induced cytopathy. The challenge viruses included 2 strains of HSV, 1 strain of influenza A_3 virus, 1 strain of ECHO-11 virus, 5 strains of different serotypes of adenovirus, 1 strain of rhinovirus and 1 strain of VSV. The activity of CSF-1 was specific, it was...

Histopathological Features of Patients with Intrahepatic HDAg-positive Chronic Hepatitis

ZHANG Yong-Dong, ZHANG Yong-Yuan

1990, 5(4): 352

To explore the histopathological features in chronic hepatitis D, 5 out of 120 cases of HBsAg-positive liver samples were found to be intrahepatitic HDAg-positive by direct immunof luorescence and immunoperoxidase assays. Among 5 cases, 3 had active cirrhosis, 2 cases with chronic active hepatitis. Wellmatched cases with chronic hepatitis B were used as control, Emphasis was put on similarity and difference in histopathological findings between hepatitis D and hepatitis B by light and electron microscopy an...

Development of EHF Virus Semi-micro Methylcellulose Plaque Assay

NIE Zi-Lin, YU Yong-Xin, YAO Zhi-Hui

1990, 5(4): 357

A new semi-micro plaque assay has been established for epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF)virus, using methvlcellulose as overlay tested on Vero-E_(?) and Vero cell cultures. All EHF virus strains, including six tested on Vero-E_(?) cells and three tested on Vero cells, could form clear plaques that could be neutralized by rabbit anti-EHF virus immune serum. The results also show that the sensitivity of this method is consistent with the method of semi-micro agarose Plaque assay previously reported. However, t...

Detection of Specific IgM from Patients with Epidemic Parotitis by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay

FU Chong-Quan, Xiao Yong-Jiu, WU Zhi-Jiang, HOU An-Ceng, XU Xing-Fang

1990, 5(4): 362

Specific IgM from patients with epidemic parotitis ( EP ) was detected by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The mumps virus antigen was prepared by using mumps virus Ender s strain. The detected IgM antibody was confirmed by 2-EM destruction. Sensitibity of the assay for mumps virus-IgM was high as showing a titer of 1:12800 in the positive sera from the patients. In clinically diagnosed 79 cases from the patients with epidemic parotitis, 72 cases were IgM positive, and the positive rate was 91%. I...

Studies on Antiviral Activity of the Extract of Monordica Charantca and its Active Principle

HUANG Tian-Min, XU Zhao-Xiang, WANG Yan-Ping, QU Feng-Zhen, TONG Ling-Li

1990, 5(4): 367

The extract of Monordica charantia (E. M. c.) was found to have a significant protective effect on Japanese B encephlitis virus infection in vivo. When mice were administered intraperitoneally with a dose of 0.4 mg E. M. c. at 18 hr, 12 hr, 4 hr before subcutaneous challenge with the virus respectively, the protective rate of treated group is 66%. E.M.c. was demonstrated as an interferon inducer. Type I IFN was found in rabbit serum and its level peaked at 2hr after intravenus injection of E. M.c. E.M.c. en...

Study on Viremia of the Rabbits Infected with EHFV-H114 Strain

BANG Gong-Mei, LIN Yu-Lin, GAO You-Xin, XIANG Jin-Min

1990, 5(4): 373

Rabbits were inoculated with EHFV-H 114 strain isolated from urine of the patient with EHF in the acute phase. The duration of viremic stage of rabbits infected with EHFV-H114 was studied by means of immunoflourescent technique and culture assays. Specific flourescence for EHFV antigen was first observed in both monocytes and lymphocytes on the 6th day, the next day, also was seen in granulocytes, with the strongest antigen reaction on the 10-12th days, and dissappeared on the 15th day of experimental infec...

Efficacy of Treating Chronic Hepatitis B with HB Vaccine and Small Doses of Interferon and Thymosin

AO Wen-Ban, HUANG Pu-Chang, WANG Xing-Bo, Tun-Tao-Lin, ZHOU Ke-Cha, ZHANG Xiu-Hui, ZHANG Yuan-Yang, LIN Ke-Yong

1990, 5(4): 379

In this paper chronic hepatitis B and its virus carriers were treated with HB Vaccine and small doses of interferon and thymosin. After one course of interferon group, placenta peptide group and HB-Vaccine group, the negative percentage of HBsAg were 13.7%, 5.9% and 0%, respectively. The changes of HBeAg were 68.8%, 72.7% and 20%, respectively. The results showed that combination of interferon and immunologic stimulant can control the replication of Hepatitis B Virus, and impel HBeAg to change, but can not ...

Study on the Biological Properties of Isolates of Chikungunya Virus in Yunnan Province, China

ZHANG Hai-Lin, MI Zhu-Jing, SHI Hua-Fang, ZI Deng-Yun

1990, 5(4): 384

This paper reported the research results for biological properties of six strains of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) isolated from bats, mosquitoes and patients in Yunnan, China, and Ross strain of CHIKV isolated from Africa. These virus strains all could cause illness and death regularly in two to four-daysage sucking mice, produced evident CPE in the C6/36, BHK21, Vero and primary hamster kidney cells. These virus strains agglutinated red blood cells of dove, goose, chicken, duckling, sheep and human type O at ...

Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus from Ectropis obliqua hypulina Wehrli in its Host Larvae

XIE Gong-Yin, HU Cui

1990, 5(4): 397

Effect of temperature on the growth dynamics of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus form Ectropis obliqua hypulina (EoNPV) in its host larvae was studied through polyhedra counting, counter immuno-electrophoresis, single immunodiffusion and rocket immuno-electrophoresis tests. The propagation of the virus in the host larvae fed with the NPV at the concentration of 2.6 10~7PIB/ml and reared at 26℃ was normal. The polyhedra titer or its relative equivalences increased positively with the time after inoculation and...

Studies on the Methods of Preparation of ~(125)l-Labeling Viral DNA Probes

ZHAN Ji-Guo, WU Yuan-Ming

1990, 5(4): 404

By using BsNPV DNA, HSV DNA and λDNA, the paper reported the re suits of the influence of ionic strength, pH value, reaction temperature and time on the labeling process of DNA with radioactive iodine in the presence of thallic chloride.When pH value was 4.8—4.9, ionic strength(Na~+)was 0.1mol/L, the temperature was 70℃ and the reaction time was 30 minutes, very high specific activity can be yielded. The percentage of ~(12)Ⅰ bound to DNA is 10—30% and the specific activity of DNA probe is over 10~8 cpm/μg D...

Effect of Some Chemicals on Infectivity and Replication of Citrus Exocortis Viroid

HU Kang-Hong, ZHOU Yong-Zhi, DING Da-Ming

1990, 5(4): 410

Gynura aurantiaca plants infected by citrus exocortis viroid (i.e. CEV) were applied in different concentrations of exogennous gibberellin (GA,5ppm, 10ppm, 50ppm, 100ppm, 200ppm), n(?)phthalen (Nal., 100ppm, 300ppm), 5-flurouracil (5-FU, 0.5mg/L, 1mg/L, 2mg/L) solutions respectively. It was found that the relative infectivity indexes of plants had to some extent been changed. Nucleic acids of young leaves were extracted and subjected to 5% bidirectional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) followed by ...

Effect of Different Treatments on the Disinfection of the Seed-borne Virus (TMV) in Tomato and Pepper

GAO Wei-Heng

1990, 5(4): 419

The seed borne virus(TMV) in tomato can be disinfected by 1 day of dry heat treatment at 70℃, or by more than 4 years storage. Soaking the tomato seeds in the 10% of Na_3PO_4 solution for 30 minutes can not disinfect the virus entirely. However, the 3 methods mentioned above were not effective for the disinfection of seed-borne virus in pepper. It suggested that TMV pepper strain have more strong viability than the TWV strains in tomato.

Molecular Cloning of Bovine Herpesvirus Type 4 (DN-599 Strain) DNA

TONG Guang-Zhi, Dieter Burger, David T Shen

1990, 5(4): 423

Bovine herpesvirus type 4 (BHV-4) DNA was extracted from infected MDBK (Bovine kidney) cells using Triton Ⅹ-100 and phenol/chloroform/ether. With shotgun and selective cloning procedures, the viral DNA was cloned into EcoR I, BamH I or Hind III sites of plasmids pBR322 or pUC9 after digestion of the DNA with the three restriction endonucleases, respectively, and three DNA libraries containing different restricted fragments were constructed. Photobiotin-labeled viral DNA and bovine thymus DNA were used as pr...

Preperation and Application of Monoclonal Antibodies to Bovine Rotavirus

HE Kong-Wang, LIN Ji-Huang, JIANG Jie-Yuan, Chen-Jiang-Ping, HUANG Bao-Shun, LI Bao-Tong, YANG Yu-Hua

1990, 5(4): 430

Two monoclonal antibodies (McAb, 2C7 and 3C9) were obtained by fusion of SP 2/0 myeloma cells with spleen cells from Balb/c mice immunized with rotavirus (RV)of HN-7 strain isolated from diarrheal calf in Henan Province. All the two McAbs reacted with the common group antigen of A-group RV, because the titers of two ascite McAbs were up to 1: 10~5 or above by indirect ELISA with RV of Bovine HN-7, BRV007, BRV014 and NCDV, Porcine Na86, Simian SA-11 and Human Wa strain, but were≤ 1: 8 and≤1: 100 respectively...

Comparison of Two Pre-s Proteins in Hepatocytes with HBV Replication Status by in situ HBV DNA Hybridization Assay

ZHANG Yong-Yuan, YAN Pu, WANG You-Kun, Yu-Zhi-Qun, HAO Lian-Jie

1990, 5(4): 435

To compare relationship between two pre-s proteins and HBV replication HBV DNA in situ hybridization was applied to a group of patients with chronic hepatitis by bio-probe, in conjunction of detection of intrahepatic HBsAg, HBcAg, pre-s1 and pre-s2 antigens. It was found that the positive rate for pre-s1 was up to 75%(15/20), being significantly higher than that of pre-s2 (35%) in the same group. More importantly the presence of pre..sl, rather than pre-s2, was in parallel with the presence of intrahepatic ...