1992 Vol.07(1)



Research Advance on Barley Yellow Mosaic Viruses and Their Fungal Vector Polymyxa graminis L.

CHEN Jian-Ping

1992, 7(1): 1

Effect of Human Semen and Anaerobic Bacteria Culture Fluid on Induction of Cervical Carcinoma in mice

SUN Yu, LIU Chao-Qi, LU De-Yin, ZENG Yi

1992, 7(1): 11

Co-carcinogensis of seminal plasma(S), culture fluid of anaerobic bacteria(B) and Herpes Simplex Virus type 2(HSV-2) induced cervical carcinoma inmice were studied. The results showed that there were slight displasia insingle seminal Plasma(S) group or culture fluid of anaerobic bacteria group,cervical carcinoma could be induced by SB with an induction rate of 11.5%;23.1% of the carcinoma rate in HSV-2 group and 50.0% of the rate in HSV-2+SB group. The experimental results indicated that SB was both carcino...

The Analysis of Antigenic Polypeptides of Dane Particles

HAO Lian-Jie, GUO Lin-Sheng, LI Fang-He, YANG Dong-Liang, SONG Pei-Hui

1992, 7(1): 16

We have demonstrated the constitutive polypeptides (PP) of Dane parti-cles employing SDS-PAGE Western Blot assay, investigated the antibody res-ponse ability to those PP in the HBV infected subjects in comparison withother HBV serum markers. The results suggest that there may be 12 bands inthe PAGE-graph of Dane particles. The Western blot confirmed that 6 PPs(P_(24) P_(27) P_(32) P_(36) P_(39) P_(42)) derived from S-ORF and 1(P_(21)) bearing core ande determinants was associated with C-ORF P_(24-25) could ...

A Clinical Study on Anti--HBe Positive Chronic Hepatitis B

WU Guo-Xiang, ZHU Ke-Qing, ZHENG Jin-Hua

1992, 7(1): 22

We introduce 34 patients with anti-HBe Positive chronic hepatiti B (CHB). They accounted for 38% of all anti-HBe positive patients in the periodof the same time. There are 2-4 times reactivation in the period of 3-9 years(added up 80 times). During their reactivation of hepatits the clinical man-ifestation and degree of injured liver function are similar to HBeAg positivepatients in the same period. However, the ratio of occuring cirrhosis andhepatocarcinoma of anti-HBe positive CHB is significantly higher ...

Serotyging of EHF Viruses and Serotygic diagnosis of Patients by Micro--CPE Neutralization Test (MCPENT)

NIE Zi-Lin, SHU Yong-Xin, LIU Wen-Xue

1992, 7(1): 27

Serotypic classification of 22 strain EHF viruses isolated from differenthosts and serotypic diagnosis of EHF patients in different endemic areas ofEHF were studied by using micro-CPE neutralization test (MCPENT) assay.The results of 13 strains classified as serotype 1 and 8 strains as serotype 2 byMCPENT assay, showed completely consistent with the results tested by pla-que reduction neutralization test (PRNT) method. The one neutralizing antigenbroad stnain Gou3 tested by PRNT was proved by testing with M...

Antiviral Activities of "Antipyretic 1" Oral Liquor against Four Kinds of Viruses

GONG Zhen-Kui, WEI Hao-Chun, WANG Li, XU You-Long, LUO Lin, ZHAN Fa-Xian, PENG Shi-Yong

1992, 7(1): 32

A study on the inhibitory activities of traditional Chinese medicine "An-tipyretic I" oral liquor against 4 kinds of viruses was carried out in chickenembryo and two cell cultures using CPE inhibition method and haemagglutina-tion assay. The results obtained indicated that "Antipyretic I" oral liquor atdilution titer higher than 1/2 (the original concentration nf "Antipyretic I"was 245g dried medicinal herbs per 100ml) did not appear to be toxic tochicken embryoes and cell cultures and that "Antipyretic I" ...

Studies on the Effect of AM and RG in Enhancing the Antiviral Activity of Human Myocardial Cells in Vitro

WEI Ran, CHEN Chen-Hua, DONG Jie-De, CHOU Su-Ying, CAO Zong-Li

1992, 7(1): 36

In this study, we assayed the antiviral effect of AM and RG againstCoxsackie B-3 and Echo-19 viruses and the influence of these two drugs onthe susceptibility of human heart cells to viral infection. Results of the studyrevealed the following: human heart cells, depleted endothelial cells and fibro-blasts by 2 hours adsorption, grown up to monolayer by 9th-10th day, survi-ved more than one month. AM and RG have no direct inactivating effect onCox B-3 and Echo-19 viruses. Heart cells pretreated with AM and R...

The Function of Poliovirus 2A Proteinase in the Polio-Vaccinia Recombinant Virus

LI Qi-Han, DAI Chang-Bai, YUAN Tian-Xi, HU Ning-Zhu, SU Ye, GUO Ren, HOU Yun-De, DAO Ying-Shuang

1992, 7(1): 43

For studying the function of Poliovirus 2A proteinaes in Polio-Vaccinarecombinant virus, We constructed the various chimeric virus of Polio-Vac-cinia, and obtained 4 Polio--Vaccinia recombinant viruses which contain var-ious fragments of Polio virus I type mahoney strain gene. These fragmentswere inserted into the TK region of vaccinia gene. The antigen of Polioviruswas expressed in these 4 recombinant viruses, the antibody against Poliovirusl type was induced in the rabbit infected by these chimeric viruse...

Analysis of peptides of HBsAg and the Epitopes of "a" Determinant by Monoclonal Antihody

WANG You-Chun, LI He-Min, HU Zong-Han

1992, 7(1): 48

Five selected McAbs were tested for their binding to HBsAg polypeptidecomposition by using Western Blot. McAb B_6, B_9 and B_(12) combined polypeptideP24 of HBsAg, while McAb A_1 and B_(13) combined both polypeptide p24 andP27 of HBsAg. Using the five McAbs, the epitope density of "a" determinantof HBsAg derived from different sources was also studied with the second an-tibody method. The result showed that there was similar density of epitopesagainst five McAbs on plasma-derived HBsAg (PD HBsAg), CHO cell-...

Studies on the Serological Properties of Erythromelalgia--Related Poxvirus

ZHENG Zhi-Ming, ZHANG Jiang-Hong, CAI An-Mei, CHU Wei-Ping, Steven Specier Herman Friedman

1992, 7(1): 54

The serological reactivity of erythromelalgia-related poxvirus (ERPV)which originally was isolated from the throab swab of a patient with eryhth-romelalgia was analyzed in the present study. Rabbits immunized by foot-padinoculation of ERPV started to produce neutralizing (NT) antibody to ERPVat 2 weeks postinfection (p. i.). The peak NT antibody titers were observedat 4 weeks p. i. and then began to decline. When eight antisera including sheepanti-Orf, bovine anti-parapox, rabbit antivaccinia, rhesus monkey...

Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detection of the Seguence Related to HPV16 E6/E7 in Cervical Cancers

LIU Xua-Feng, YANG Ping, WU Xin-Xing, DING Xiao-Hua, LIU Wei-Qian, ZHAO Wen-Xian

1992, 7(1): 59

Detection of the sequence related to E6/E7 of human papillomavirus type16 in Chinese cervical cancers using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has beenreported in this paper. We have used the two-step protocol PCR to detectDNA sequence related to HPV16 E6/E7 in 34 cervical cancer tissues, by primingwith SP and ASP, the positive percentage of HPV 16 E6/E7 in cervical cancerswas 67.6% (23/34). This result showed that HPV 16 may play an importantrole in development and progression of cervical cancers, and u...

Identification of PINPV--DNA Recombinant Colonies with Sandwich Hybridization

WU Yun-Tao, KE Li-Hua, CAI Yi-Quan

1992, 7(1): 63

The genome of the bacularvirus PINPV was digested completely into sevenfragment (A、B、C、D_1、D_2、E、F) with Hind Ⅲ. These fragments were ligated in vitro with vector pUC18 seperately and used to transform host strainE. coli TG_1. Recombinant colonies were identified with sandwich hybridization.Seven kinds of recombinant colonies containing the PINPV-DNA Hind Ⅲ fra-gments were obtained, but unfortunately the A fragment was less than theoriginal one.

Studies on Fine Structure and Some Physico--chemical Characteristics of a Cytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus from Dendrolimus punctatus Wenshanensis

LIU Run-Zhong, XIE Tian-En, PENG Hui-Yin, CHEN Xin-Wen, CHEN Shi-Wei

1992, 7(1): 69

A Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) from the Dendrolimus punctatusWenshanensis was studied on some characterizations of fine structure and bio-chemistry. Most of polyhedra were hexhedral, less quadrilaterly and appro-ximaterly spherical. The size of polyhedra showed a significant differenceranging from 0.47 to 2.45μ and 1.1μ in average in diameter. Virions werespherical in shape with six spikes Iocated and icosahedral vertices, measuring60nm in diameter. Magnifying the photograph, the subunit arrangement...

Localization and Cloning of the Polyhedrin Gene of Buzura suppressaria Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus

LIU Ming-Fu, HU Zhi-Hong, JIN Feng, LI Meng-Jin, XIE Tian-En

1992, 7(1): 80

The polyhedrin gene of tung-oil geometrid, Buzura suppressaria,nuclear polyhedrosis virus(BsNPV) was localized on BamHI-B, BglI-A, Bgl Ⅱ-F, EcoRI-P, HindⅢ-A, KpnI-I, PstI-D, XbaI-A or B and XhoI-F/G fra-gments under low stringence(40% formamide, 35℃), using the recombinantplasmid of AcNPV DNA EcoRI-I as the probe. For sequencing the polyhedringene, the KpnI-I fragment was cloned into M13mp18 vector.

Localization and Cloning of the Polyhedrin Gene of Buzura suppressaria Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus

LIU Ming-Fu, HU Zhi-Hong, JIN Feng, LI Meng-Jin, XIE Tian-En

1992, 7(1): 85

The polyhedrin gene of tung-oil geometrid, Buzura suppressaria,nuclear polyhedrosis virus(BsNPV) was localized on BamHI-B, BglI-A, Bgl Ⅱ-F, EcoRI-P, HindⅢ-A, KpnI-I, PstI-D, XbaI-A or B and XhoI-F/G fra-gments under low stringence(40% formamide, 35℃), using the recombinantplasmid of AcNPV DNA EcoRI-I as the probe. For sequencing the polyhedringene, the KpnI-I fragment was cloned into M13mp18 vector.

Purification and Partial characterization of Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus

CHEN Gang, ZHOU Guang-He, CHEN Jian-Bo

1992, 7(1): 93

Purified virus preparation of Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus (MDMV) withhigh purity and infectivity was obtained by an improved procedure of puri-fication. The yield of purified virus was 0.7--1.2mg/100g infected tissue. Thevirus preparation had a typical ultraviolet absorption spectra of a filamentousvirus containing about 6% nucleic acid, A280/A260 was 0.63--0.80, Amax/Amin was 1.15. The particle size of purified virus was 720--750×14nm and themolecular weight of its coat protein was 36kd by SDS-PAGE. Antiserum...

A Single--Stranded Virus Isolated from Shiitake Mushroom Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Sing.

CHEN Xue-Ren, CHEN Ju-Ying, CHEN Zuo-Yi, GONG Jie-Xun, CHEN Ming-Jie, PAN Ying-Cha, WANG Zhao-Yue, FANG Bing-Chu, WANG Ming-Qi

1992, 7(1): 99

A isometric virus-like particles(VLPs), which are approximately 34nm indiameter containing ss-RNA, have been purified from abnormal mycelial ofshiitake mushroom Leutinus edodes (Berk.) Sing. The SDS-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis demonstrated that the virions contain a single capsid polypeptideband with molecular weight about 22000 dalton. The nucleic acid extractedfrom purified preparations of 34nm VLPs showed only one band with mole-cular weight approximately 2.3810~6 dalton on the 1.5% agarose gel. T...

Expression of Marek s Disease Virus pp 38 Gene in Insect Cells with Use of Baculovirus as a Vector

CUI Zhi-Zhong, L.F.Lee

1992, 7(1): 106

The complete encoding sequence with the initiation and stop codons ofMarek s disease virus(MDV) 38 kd phosphorylated protein (pp38) gene wasintegrated into the baculovirus AcNPV transfer vector pVL1392. The insectcell line Sf9 cells were cotransfected with the recombinant transfer vectorpVLpp38 I and the wild type AcNPV DNA. A recombinant baculovirus cloneBP38 I, which was expressing the MDV pp38 gene, was screened with theanti-MDV monoclonal antibody (MAb) H19 in fluorescence antibody test.Immunoblot indic...