
The outcome of hepatic B virus (HBV) infection is the result of complex interactions between replicating HBV and the innate/adaptive immune system. As an important lectin complement pathway activator, human ficolin-2 is secreted from liver cells and contributes to the clearance of viral infections and lysis of enveloped virions, which has been implicated as an anti-infection innate immune molecule. In this issue, a research group lead by Drs. Xiao- Lian Zhang and Fengling Luo, investigated the serum and liver tissue ficolin-2 levels, in a cohort of individuals with chronic HBV infections, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver cirrhosis. And their findings suggest that serum and intrahepatic ficolin-2 levels may be considered as one of the indicators for the response of chronic HBV infection, HCC and cirrhosis. The cover image shows the decreased ficolin-2 expression in HCC cells compared to adjacent normal hepatic cells from HCC patients. See page 249–260 for details.




张宇飞, 石晶, 刘淑英*

2015, 30(4): 239 doi: 10.1007/s12250-015-3617-0

收稿日期: 2015-06-26 录用日期: 2015-08-14 出版日期: 2015-08-18
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内源性逆转录病毒(ERVs)是脊椎动物基因组的一个组成部分,来源于感染外源性逆转录病毒的宿主的生殖细胞。 ERVs已经与其宿主共同进化了数百万年。内源性逆转录病毒囊膜糖蛋白经常在哺乳动物的胎盘内表达,其潜在功能已经引起了科学家们广泛的兴趣,其中包括对母体生理作用的调控以受益于胎儿。在大多数的哺乳动物中,胎盘滋养层细胞融合是一个重要的生理过程,它涉及到多核合体层的形成,以便满足胎儿与母体之间必要的物质交换。在此过程中起关键作用的是内源性逆转录病毒来源的囊膜蛋白,即合胞体蛋白,具有促进细胞膜融合的特性和胎盘特异性表达的特点。本文综述了公认的内源性逆转录病毒包膜糖蛋白在哺乳动物胎盘中的重要作用,同时详细探讨了绵羊肺腺瘤反转录病毒有关的内源性逆转录病毒在绵羊孕体发育过程中可能的生物学功能和作用。
Research Article


陈铁龙, 胡艺兰, 丁荃荃, 俞晶, 汪付兵, 罗凤玲, 章晓联

2015, 30(4): 249 doi: 10.1007/s12250-015-3605-4

收稿日期: 2015-05-08 录用日期: 2015-07-13 出版日期: 2015-07-23
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人类Ficolin-2由肝细胞分泌,为重要的抗感染先天免疫分子,激活凝集素补体途径。然而,在慢性乙肝和肝细胞癌发病过程中,Ficolin-2蛋白的作用及其动态变化仍不清楚。本论文以慢性乙型肝炎感染者,肝癌和肝硬化患者群体为研究对象,以酶联免疫吸附试验夹心法来测定患者血清中Ficolin-2的浓度,并以免疫组化染色检测肝组织中Ficolin-2的表达。慢性乙肝患者较健康对照和乙肝病毒携带者血清Ficolin-2浓度显著升高。48周常规护肝治疗后,血清Ficolin-2浓度的下降,并与ALT,HBV DNA的降低和HBeAg血清转换呈正相关。有趣的是,我们观察到,与正常对照组相比,在肝癌和肝硬化患者血清和肝组织内,Ficolin-2表达显著降低。我们的研究结果表明,血清和肝细胞内Ficolin-2水平可以考虑作为慢性HBV感染,肝癌和肝硬化的反应指标之一。


程智逵, 孙鸽, 郭威, 黄亚运, 孙维华, 赵非, 胡康洪

2015, 30(4): 261 doi: 10.1007/s12250-015-3584-5

收稿日期: 2015-03-17 录用日期: 2015-08-03 出版日期: 2015-08-08
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邓成林, 李晓丹, 刘思情, 徐琳琳, 叶寒青, 秦成峰, 张波

2015, 30(4): 269 doi: 10.1007/s12250-015-3610-7

收稿日期: 2015-06-10 录用日期: 2015-07-13 出版日期: 2015-07-24
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Investigation of the genotype Ⅲ to genotype Ⅰ shift in Japanese encephalitis virus and the impact on human cases

Na Han, James Adams, Wei Fang, Si-Qing Liu, Simon Rayner

2015, 30(4): 277 doi: 10.1007/s12250-015-3621-4

收稿日期: 2015-06-30 录用日期: 2015-08-13 出版日期: 2015-08-18
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Japanese encephalitis is a mosquito borne disease and is the leading cause of viral encephalitis in the Asia-Pacific area. The causative agent, Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) can be phylogenetically classified into five genotypes based on nucleotide sequence. In recent years, genotype I (GI) has displaced genotype III (GIII) as the dominant lineage, but the mechanisms behind this displacement event requires elucidation. In an earlier study, we compared host variation over time between the two genotypes and observed that GI appears to have evolved to achieve more efficient infection in hosts in the replication cycle, with the tradeoff of reduced infectivity in secondary hosts such as humans. To further investigate this phenomenon, we collected JEV surveillance data on human cases and, together with sequence data, and generated genotype/case profiles from seven Asia-Pacific countries and regions to characterize the GI/GIII displacement event. We found that, when comprehensive and consistent vaccination and surveillance data was available, and the GIII to GI shift occurred within a well-defined time period, there was a statistically significant drop in JEV human cases. Our findings provide further support for the argument that GI is less effective in infecting humans, who represent a dead end host. However, experimental investigation is necessary to confirm this hypothesis. The study highlights the value of alternative approaches to investigation of epidemics, as well as the importance of effective data collection for disease surveillance and control.


王媚娘, 葛行义, 吴勇泉, 杨兴娄, 张玉基, 谭兵, 石正丽*

2015, 30(4): 290 doi: 10.1007/s12250-015-3603-6

收稿日期: 2015-05-01 录用日期: 2015-01-30 出版日期: 2015-08-05
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一株新型Microviridae IME-16的发现及基因组分析

舒鹏, 米志强, 王伟, 安小平, 裴广倩, 张志毅, 黄永, 张湘莉兰, 史套兴, 童贻刚

2015, 30(4): 301 doi: 10.1007/s12250-015-3596-1

出版日期: 2015-07-31
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马英伟, 郝树彬, 孙乐乐, 李静, 乔乔, 高峰, 赵丽, 于学杰, 王志玉, 温红玲

2015, 30(4): 305 doi: 10.1007/s12250-015-3614-3

出版日期: 2015-08-11
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In this report, we presented the construction of an infectious full-length clone and a recombined EV71 cDNA clone, from which the RNA transcripts could result in CPE in transfected cells. Furthermore, we also found that the 5′UTR of EV71 could influence the replication of EV71, potentially acting as a determinant of the virulence of EV71. Our results provide important insights into the pathogenic mechanisms of EV71-related diseases.


王宁, 阮征, 万云, 王博, 张四化, 葛行义

2015, 30(4): 309 doi: 10.1007/s12250-015-3616-1

出版日期: 2015-07-31
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A型H9N2流感病毒在家禽中广泛流传,通常仅对家禽造成轻微的临床症状,少数情况下会感染人类。但是H9N2病毒之间以及H9N2与其它亚型病毒之间的高频率重配事件所产生的新型病毒,可能会危害公众健康。本研究从湖北家禽中鉴定了一株新型的H9N2病毒株,命名为A/chicken/Hubei/01/2014(H9N2),经基因组和遗传进化分析,发现这株病毒的HA和NA基因分别和其它禽来源的H9、N2亚型的病毒类似,但是其它的6个内部基因,包括PB1、PB2、PA、NP、M、NS,和2013-14年感染人的新发H10N8 病毒高度同源。此结果丰富了人新发H10N8病毒的基因来源研究,为H9N2通过重组产生新型H10N8病毒的理论提供了更多的证据。同时提醒加强对禽类流感病毒的监测,开展基因重配、基因突变等遗传进化研究对防控新发流感疾病有重要的意义。

A new outbreak of fox rabies at the Russian–Mongolian border

Renat V. Adelshin, Olga V. Melnikova, Yulia N. Trushina, Alexander D. Botvinkin, Tatyana I. Borisova, Evgeny I. Andaev, Dmitry B. Verzhutsky, Albert S. Khangazhinov, Sergey V. Balakhonov

2015, 30(4): 313 doi: 10.1007/s12250-015-3609-0

出版日期: 2015-08-11
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The main aim of this study is to determine whether the recent fox rabies outbreaks represent an occasional fluctuation in the borders of rabies virus habitat or it isa step toward widespread dissemination of fox rabies in Asia. According to data presented at the conference “Towards the elimination of rabies in Eurasia” (Fu, 2008; Gruzdev, 2008; Seimenis, 2008) at the beginning of the twenty-first century, fox rabies was largely unknown in the Far East while being endemic in Eastern Europe. Further, the incidence of fox rabies decreased in Central and Western Europe, while a progression occurred in the Middle East and Central Asia. Therefore, further researches are necessary on the intermediate zone between the two different rabies virus lineages in Central Asia.
39卷第6期 (2024年0月)

ISSN 1674-0769

EISSN 1995-820X

CN 42-1760/Q

主编: 肖庚富

影响因子: 4.3*


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