While host proteins incorporated into virions during viral budding from infected cell are known to play essential roles in multiple process of viral life cycle of progeny virus, these characteristics have been largely neglected in studies on rabies virus (RABV). In this issue, Zhang et al. performed proteomics studies of the RABV virions with good purity and integrity to define 49 cellular proteins incorporated into mature virions, and 24 of them were likely involved in virus replication according to the functional annotation analysis. Furthermore, Zhang et al. used cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) to observe the purified RABV virions, generating high-resolution pictures of RABV particles with unprecedented structure details. The cover image clearly displays an intact bullet-shaped structure with four distinct electron-dense layers consisting of glycoprotein spike, viral envelope, matrix protein helix and RNP complex from outside to inside. Please see page 143–155 for details.
To formulate the optimal strategy of combatting bacterial biofilms, in this review we update current knowledge on the growing problem of biofilm formation and its resistance to antibiotics which has spurred the search for new strategies to deal with this complication. Based on recent findings, the role of bacteriophages in the prevention and elimination of biofilm-related infections has been emphasized. In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo biofilm treatment models with single bacteriophages or phage cocktails have been compared. A combined use of bacteriophages with antibiotics in vitro or in vivo confirms earlier reports of the synergistic effect of these agents in improving biofilm removal. Furthermore, studies on the application of phage-derived lysins in vitro, ex vivo or in vivo against biofilm-related infections are encouraging. The strategy of combined use of phage and antibiotics seems to be different from using lysins and antibiotics. These findings suggest that phages and lysins alone or in combination with antibiotics may be an efficient weapon against biofilm formation in vivo and ex vivo, which could be useful in formulating novel strategies to combat bacterial infections. Those findings proved to be relevant in the prevention and destruction of biofilms occurring during urinary tract infections, orthopedic implant-related infections, periodontal and peri-implant infections. In conclusion, it appears that most efficient strategy of eliminating biofilms involves phages or lysins in combination with antibiotics, but the optimal scheme of their administration requires further studies.
Vectored vaccines based on highly attenuated modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) are reported to be immunogenic, tolerant to pre-existing immunity, and able to accommodate and stably maintain very large transgenes. MVA is usually produced on primary chicken embryo fibroblasts, but production processes based on continuous cell lines emerge as increasingly robust and cost-effective alternatives. An isolate of a hitherto undescribed genotype was recovered by passage of a non-plaque-purified preparation of MVA in a continuous anatine suspension cell line (CR.pIX) in chemically defined medium. The novel isolate (MVA-CR19) replicated to higher infectious titers in the extracellular volume of suspension cultures and induced fewer syncytia in adherent cultures. We now extend previous studies with the investigation of the point mutations in structural genes of MVA-CR19 and describe an additional point mutation in a regulatory gene. We furthermore map and discuss an extensive rearrangement of the left telomer of MVA-CR19 that appears to have occurred by duplication of the right telomer. This event caused deletions and duplications of genes that may modulate immunologic properties of MVA-CR19 as a vaccine vector. Our characterizations also highlight the exceptional genetic stability of plaque-purified MVA: although the phenotype of MVA-CR19 appears to be advantageous for replication, we found that all genetic markers that differentiate wildtype and MVA-CR19 are stably maintained in passages of recombinant viruses based on either wildtype or MVA-CR.
The World Society for Virology (WSV) was founded and incorporated as a nonprofit organization in the United States in 2017. WSV seeks to strengthen and support both virological research and virologists who conduct research of viruses that affect humans, other animals, plants, and other organisms. One of the objectives of WSV is to connect virologists worldwide and support collaboration. Fulfilling this objective, virologists from fourteen countries in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East met on 25–27th August 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden at the Karolinska University Hospital for the first Committee Meeting of WSV. This meeting included compelling keynote and honorary speeches and a series of 18 scientific talks were given encompassing a diverse array of subjects within virology. Followed by the scientific session, a business session was held where multiple aspects and next steps of the society were discussed and charted out.