Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) is a pathogenic enterovirus of Picornaviridae family. LncRNAs are an important subgroup of non-coding RNAs and actively transcribed in large numbers in human genome. They are widely involved in various physiological and pathological processes, including viral infection. In this issue, Tong et al. profiled lncRNAs and mRNA expression in CVB3-infected HeLa cells by lncRNA-mRNA integrated microarrays, established the correlation network of lncRNAs and mRNAs, revealed a negative correlation between the lncRNA XLOC_001188 and the antiviral gene NFAT5, and identified four critical lncRNAs, SNHG11, RP11-145F16.2, RP11-1023L17.1 and RP11-1021N1.2, which potentially affect CVB3 replication. See page 618–630 for details.
Mycoviruses have been found to infect more than 12 species of Penicillium, but have not been isolated from Penicillium italicum (P. italicum). In this study, we isolated and characterized a new double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) virus, designated Penicillium italicum chrysovirus 1 (PiCV1), from the citrus pathogen P. italicum HSPi-YN1. Viral genome sequencing and molecular characterization indicated that PiCV1 was highly homologous to the previously described Penicillium chrysogenum virus. We further constructed the mutant HSPi-YN1ΔpksP defective in the polyketide synthase gene (pksP), which is involved in pigment biosynthesis, and these mutants formed albino (white) colonies. Then we applied hyphal anastomosis method to horizontally transmit PiCV1 from the white virus-donors (i.e., HSPi-YN1 mutants) to wild-type recipients (i.e., P. italicum strains HSPi-CQ54, HSPi-HB4, and HSPi-HN1), and the desirable PiCV1-infected isogenic recipients, a certain part of blue wild-type strains, can be eventually selected and confirmed by viral genomic dsRNA profile analysis. This blue-white colony screening would be an easier method to select virus-infected P. italicum recipients, according to distinguishable color phenotypes between blue virus-recipients and white virus-donors. In summary, the current work newly isolated and characterized PiCV1, verified its horizontal transmission among dually cultured P. italicum isolates, and based on these, established an effective and simplified approach to screen PiCV1-infected isogenic recipients.
塞尼卡病毒(Seneca valley virus,SVV)引起的原发性水泡病在世界上主要的养猪国家呈现不断爆发的趋势,对流行毒株的监测具有重要意义。在本研究中,我们在广东省的屠宰猪中分离获得了2株天然重组塞尼卡病毒CH-GDFS-2018和CH-GDJY-2018,并对其进行了遗传演化、系统发育和重组分析。遗传演化分析表明,CH-GDFS-2018和KS15-01与US-15-39812IA,CH-GDJY-2018和SVA/CHN/07/2017亲缘关系近。系统发育分析表明,这两个毒株与我国2017年的流行毒株处于同一进化分支上且均属于US-like病毒。重组分析表明,CH-GDFS-2018的基因组是由USA-IA46008/2015-Passage 1的2个片段和CH-GDYD-2017的1个片段重组而成,而CH-GDJY-2018的基因组则由SVA-CHN-07-2017的2个片段和GD01-2017的1个片段重组而成。虽然塞尼卡病毒天然重组的意义未知,但重组病毒的发现为更好的制定塞尼卡病毒的防控策略提供了基础数据。